Luana Ferraz
author : Luana FerrazLuana Ferraz is a Brazilian writer and translator. She currently lives in São Paulo, but her mind wanders everywhere.\nShe's graduated in translation and interpretation and has been working in this area for years. She loves translation, as for her it is nothing more than reinterpreting stories, but her greatest passion is telling stories of her own.\nLuana has been writing and creating stories for as long as she can remember. Her first creative work was a series of comics on a thief that wore a beanie and always ended up in jail. She was seven years old.\nAs a teenager, she started writing poems and even music - the quality of which was very questionable. She discovered fanfiction and ventured in that a little bit, until she found out how to create her own characters.\nShe is usually found wearing headphones and typing - in her notebook, phone or just writing down an idea on the Disney-themed notepad she keeps in her purse.\nShe is probably writing right now.\n\nJoin her mailing list at to follow her writing adventures!\nYou can also find her on social media at:\nTwitter and Instagram: @lua__ferraz\nFacebook:\nTumblr: View more >>